
musyosII (1995)

This piece was made for live performance at Disinfectant Electronic Music Party on Dec.15,1995. It's done all based on MIDI. For the first time, I used Groove Quantization function in Opcode System's Vision MIDI sequence software. The title is a mixed letter of a phrase. Guess the real title!

これは、95年12月に大学のキャンパス内で行ったライブ用に作ったもの。当時出たばかりのOpcode Vision 2.0のグルーブクオンタイズばかり使っているのが今となっては少々恥ずかしいか(^^;)。

Hardware: Mac IIcx, Studio 4, JUNO-106, BassStation, Pro-8, CD-3000i, SH-101, TB-303
Software: Vision 2.0

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 256kbps, 20.5MB)

256lm (1995)

256lm was composed for "4 nen ten", which was an art event by senior students in January,1995. Although I had this piece ready, I wasn't able to perform it, because I played too long before 256lm... Well, things doesn't always go the way you want. But this is my favorite so far:-).


Hardware: Mac IIcx, Studio 4, Pro-8, CD-3000i, BassStation
Software: Vision 1.4

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 10.6MB)






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