
256lm (1995)

256lm was composed for "4 nen ten", which was an art event by senior students in January,1995. Although I had this piece ready, I wasn't able to perform it, because I played too long before 256lm... Well, things doesn't always go the way you want. But this is my favorite so far:-).


Hardware: Mac IIcx, Studio 4, Pro-8, CD-3000i, BassStation
Software: Vision 1.4

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 10.6MB)

chaos (1994)

This was my final composition for under-graduate degree. The title "Chaos" came from one of the concepts and from the mental situtation I was in while composing this piece.

There are two main concepts. One is morphing of two waveforms. It was done by taking substraction of each samples and adding or substracting data. For this, I excpected to have some synthetic effect when morphing one waveform to another, but unfortunetaly, it was just cross fading two sounds. I should have tried morphing on the spectrum domain and not the time domain...

Second concept was to use the logistic equation of chaos as a pitch of notes. This method produced quite a complex movement of notes with just a single equation.




Hardware: NeXT Cube
Software: Common Lisp Music, Common Music, Music Kit, rt

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 12.6MB)

for 4 crazy bells (1991)

One of the very first composition done using a patch created on Max. I've used Max for producing random MIDI notes and recorded them on to EZ Vision. On EZ Vision, I've looked for phrases that interested me and compiled it as a single piece. I've used Roland's rhodes model 760, which is kind of a 76 keyboard model of U-20, as a MIDI sound generator.

Maxのパッチを使って作った最初の作品。この曲では、Maxを使ってランダムなMIDIノートを生成し、それをEZ Visionで録音。録音した中から面白いフレーズを探し出し、それらを一つの作品として組み合わせた。音源は、ローランドのrhodes model 760という、U-20を76鍵化したようなものを利用した。

Hardware: Mac IIci, Roland rhodes model 760
Software: Max, EZ Vision

Download file(mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 3.1MB)






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