
coldsleep (2001)

| トラックバック(3)

This is a piece for a secret live done by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Yoshihiro Hanno, me and Atsushi Tadokoro at Earthday Tokyo 2001. Of course, Mr.Sakamoto and Mr.Hanno was the main performer and I was just a front act, but was a nice experience doing live music out in the field. The title comes from the samples I used.

これは、2001年のEarthday Tokyoの時に行われたhoonのライブのために作ったもの。メインはもちろん坂本さんと半野さんなわけだけど、屋外で気持ちよく音を出せたのはいい経験。タイトルは、作品内に使われているサンプルからきているもの。

HARDWARE: Panasonic Let's Note B5R(Win98SE), PowerMac 6100 w G3 card
SOFTWARE: Csound, CoolEdit Pro, AudioMulch, Thonk

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 14.1MB)

nightmare (2000)

A piece for GNUsic Project's second CD. Entirely composed using Csound, AudioMulch, GranuLab, Perl, and CoolEdit Pro. Final mix down is done using CoolEdit Pro's multi track mix feature. The strings like sounds were generated from YMO's "Light In Darkness", which is one of my favorite ;). The samples were analysed usind pvanal and then processed by score files generated from my original Perl script.

GNUsicプロジェクトでの2枚目のCD用に作った作品。CsoundAudioMulch、GranuLab、perl、そしてCoolEdit Proを利用した。ミックスダウンはCoolEdit Proのマルチトラック機能を用いている。ストリングスのように聞こえる音は、YMOのLight in DarknessのフレーズをCsoundのPhaseVocoder解析コマンド、pvanalで分析し、オリジナルのperlスクリプトで生成したスコアを元に合成されたもの。

HARDWARE: Sony VAIO PCG-Z505DX (Win98SE and VineLinux)
SOFTWARE: Csound, AudioMulch, GranuLab, Perl, CoolEdit Pro

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 9.5MB)

My first composition all based on Linux and Windows95. I didn't use NeXT or Mac for the first time!(Is it good or bad?) This piece experiments with Granular Synthesis and composition based on Markov Proccess. I've analysed J.S. Bach's Air on G for the Markov Proccess. Granular Synthesis was done mainly on Csound.

This piece is dedicated to one of my best friend Chiaki Ikegami, who passed away in a car accident on Nov. 1998.


Hardware: IBM-PC compatible with Linux and Windows 95
Software: Csound, Perl, CMU MIDI Toolkit, CoolEdit Pro

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 9.9MB)

Experiment7 by yasaka

experiment 6 (1997)

My third composition all generated and processed on NeXT. The goal with this piece was to use algorithmic composition while maintaining tonal scale. I used dorian scale for this. Algorithmically composed part is the second half of the piece, while the first half is based on sounds processed through Phase Vocoder.

This piece was selected for ICMC(International Computer Music Conference) '98 held at University of Michigan this October.

NeXTのみを使った作品としては3作目。この作品では、調性を保持したまま生成するアルゴリズミックコンポジションに挑戦している。調性はドリアンスケールを用いている。アルゴリズミックコンポジションで作成したのは後半部分になり、前半はPhase Vocoderを使った音響処理を行っている。

なお、この作品は1998年10月にミシガン大学で開催されたICMC(International Computer Music Conference)に入選した。


Hardware: IBM-PC compatible with NEXTSTEP 3.3
Software: Csound, Common Lisp Music, Perl, PowerPV, rt

Download file (mpeg I layer III, 192kbps, 9.3MB)

Isoidekuchidesue (1996)

This is my second composition made all on NeXT Computer. I had two goals in this. One was to use convolution and the other was to compose from few samples as possible. The first one, I did an convolution of a choir and a breaking glass. For the second goal, the samples I used in this piece are the choir, breaking glass, and a phrase saying "Isoide kuchi de sue!" taken from an album by Snakeman Show.


Hardware: NeXT Cube
Software: Common Lisp Music

Download file (mpeg I layer III,192kbps, 2.7MB)







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